Tell us about your experiences with weight management. Take our survey!

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Will you take our In America survey and help others understand the impact of obesity?

**The In America survey is now closed**

To learn more about the challenges of living with obesity, we are conducting our In America survey. By taking our survey, you can bring awareness to the realities of life with obesity and help others feel less alone.

  1. I went to a new ortho doctor last year. I need some joints replaced but they will not do it until I am certain to lose weight. I cannot be trusted when it comes to what goes in. There are more accepting human beings but if I were in a situation again…There is no holding back. Is it terrible that I wanted to hurt him because he came out and said I was fat and had to lose 100 lbs before he would consider doing the knee replacement? Just be as kind as you can possibly be. Those individuals are the ones with the problem. My thoughts are with those in the same boat. I know WE CAN DO THIS!

    1. How horrible, . So often, people gain weight BECAUSE they have damaged joints. If your doctor felt that losing weight might make the surgery more successful, your doctor should have treated your obesity as a medical issue and (kindly) referred you to someone who can help. I am so sorry you were treated that way, Have you since found someone new? Gentle hugs. - Lori (Team Member)

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