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Weight stigma and healthcare

Have you ever felt like your doctor treated you differently or made unfair assumptions about you because of your weight?

  1. I have Psoriatic Arthritis & Psoriasis!! My Rheumatologist focused solely on my Weight. I am 204.Im 55 years old. I'm not completely through Menopause. Instead of Helping me get Therapy or Help ME with my Pain,she always says Lose Weight 😡😾🇨🇦.

    1. I first want to say that I'm so sorry that you've been in pain from your PSA and Psoriasis. Secondly, I'm so, so sorry that your doctor chose to focus on your weight instead of listening to you like a person, validating your symptoms and the pain you are experiencing and helping you do something about it. If I may ask, are there other doctors that you might be able to switch to that might be a bit more helpful? I wanted to say, it wasn't for pain issues but I've been in very similar situations where my doctors chose to focus on my weight rather than the symptoms I was presenting. It was incredibly frustrating and I empathize with your experience so much. I wanted to be like "ok, well, it takes time and effort to lose weight and isn't easy to achieve when I'm battling these other symptoms. What can we do to help me achieve this goal while also addressing my current concerns?" So frustrating. I'm really glad you found us and shared this post. I hope to see you around in the community more! 💙 Kayleigh, Team Member

  2. Pre weight loss surgery, everything would be better "if you only lost weight".
    I did, nearly 300 pounds.
    Medical treatment for another condition improved, but my life didn't.

    1. Hi . I am glad your other health condition improved, but I wish your doctor hadn't made you feel weight loss would have such a profound effect on the rest of your life. Circumstances don't change simply because your weight changes and neither do the people in your life. Please know we are here for you whenever you need support or a place to vent. Gentle hugs. - Lori (Team Member)

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