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What impacts your weight?

There are so many factors that impact one's weight.

What has impacted yours?

We'll list just a few that have been reported to us:

Genetics, comorbidities, side effect from medications, nutritional factors, hormone changes, limited movement abilities, etc.

  1. Auto immune diseases, medication, limited mobility, genetics, hormones.. yup. All have effected my weight and not in a good way.

    However, I have found some wonderful basic mobility exercises made specifically for sedentary people that I can do regularly. Granted, it isn't going to help with any weight loss, but in the long run, it has been absolutely astounding, how much more easily I can move now, which lends itself to being able to move longer, get my stamina back.. baby steps to get to where I want to be.. and even if those steps look more like crawling, it's so necessary to start slow, get the muscles fired up and used to working again. Little by little, those 15 minute exercises that you struggled through, now you are looking to add another 15 minutes to your exercise.

    Now the problem is my diet. Portion sizes to be exact. And I eat WAY too fast, a habit I developed in high school, being involved in band, drama, choir etc.. Led to only having 5 minutes for lunch, rushed dinners to get to rehearsals etc.. So changing behaviors is also key for me... I am getting there.. slowly.. but I make progress every day, even if it's just putting my sneakers on, or throwing last night's left over veggies into an omelet for breakfast.. small changes lead to big results over time..

    1. What a great approach to weight loss and better health. I have also had to slow my eating after years shoveling down meals or snacks while working insane hours as a journalist, and then caring for kids and aging parents while working part-time for other companies and part-time as a writer. It takes a toll. My rule now is that I have to be sitting at a table when I eat. I also try to feed everyone else before I feed myself. That allows me time to relax and enjoy my meal. I haven't lost much, but I've maintained, which equals success in my book.
      Your 15-minute bouts of exercise sound like a wise and sustainable way to improve your fitness. I'm glad you are feeling the difference, especially with all your medical challenges. If ever you need help staying motivated, know that we are here to support you and allow you space to vent freely. Warmest of wishes. - Lori (Team Member)

  2. Limited movement has definitely effected my weight. I'm trying to get more exercise, the weather is not exactly cooperating. I also have a bad case of the I don't want to's. Oh how I wish I could go back to being a kid, eat anything and everything and still lose weight. I even drank half a gallon of milk a week by myself!!

    1. I love that phrase, the "I don't want to's." That is exactly what I was trying to describe in my other response to you. The short days that come with the season and this cold snap we've experienced for the past two weeks have left me completely uninspired. Is there anything that might help boost your mood? Best wishes. - Lori (Team Member)

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