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What are your non-scale weight loss goals?

What goals have you set for yourself that don't involve a number on the scale? Examples include changes in your day-to-day life with obesity - sitting in a chair comfortably, wearing a specific size of clothing, having the ability to do specific activities and more!

  1. All good points! I really need to remember that. I sat down yesterday and wrote out a list of “why’s “ I will consider this for my weekly goal list. Mind you they are really attainable goals. I also need to think about my journey that is not related to weight , So this will help.
    Any ideas on Celebrating my successes? Everything is so food centered!

    1. Lori, these are great ideas. Perhaps I will carve out sometimes for a facial. 😊
      I am having some health issues right now that are giving me some excuses to not do anything. So maybe a goal of a facial will keep me focused ! I would love to hear what other people have experienced and how they have overcome in their beginning journey.

    2. A facial sounds sooo relaxing! That sounds like a great reward. If you would like to hear how others succeeded in getting started, you could start a forum. Here is a link,: I'd be interested in the responses as well.
      If it helps, keep checking in here to let us know how you are doing. We can cheer you on when you are on track and offer motivation if you fall off for a bit. Remember there is no judgment here. No one will fault you if you are struggling. Warm wishes. - Lori (Team Member)

  2. Walking around the neighborhood at a good pace without getting winded. I am starting with only a mile, If I can’t do it then any exercise is better than none. I can keep striving and attain it just maybe not as fast as I want to.

    1. What a great goal! I have a feeling you will see encouraging results quickly when it comes to your breathing. Weight loss might take a little longer, but keep in mind that it takes four to eight weeks to see significant changes in muscle and that muscle burns more calories than fat. Muscle also weighs more than fat, which means you might not see changes on the scale even if you are losing fat. So, hang in there and keep at it, and you will eventually see the results you want. Keep us posted. Best wishes. - Lori (Team Member)

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