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What people should know

What do you wish more people not living with extra weight or obesity understood?

What misconceptions do you wish were cleared up?

  1. That we are NOT lazy.. that we don't sit around and eat junk food all day.. that is a HUGE misconception and I wish people could understand that. Spend a day in my life, see what I do, what I am up against and then tell me I'm lazy.

    1. Hi . Welcome to the community! That is such an unfair misconception. I have a neighbor who is obese, mostly due to steroids she's taken over time for multiple chronic diseases. Yet, she is out in her barn and fields every day, no matter the weather, caring for her horses and the puppies she rescues from puppy mills. She also works full time. I can't imagine anyone less lazy than her. It breaks my heart that some people assume that about her. I hope you don't let others define you that way. Gentle hugs. - Lori (Team Member)

  2. My issue is multiple health problems for which I have to consume 12 medications six days a week and 13 medications on the seventh day. Therefore, the majority of the medications that are prescribed to me have a side effect of, yes, weight gain. How do I combat that?

    1. Hi . How frustrating that medication you take for one health condition creates another. Pharmacists can be terrific resources in cases like this. They can help you identify which medications cause weight gain and whether there are alernatives. Then you can take that information to your doctor and find out whether those alternatives might be good options for you. Unfortunately, there are not always options. Are you still gaining weight from the meds or has your weight stabilized? Warm wishes. - Lori (Team Member)

    2. .. I HEAR you with this.. I also have issues with taking lots of medication and I have to go for infusions every other month. It's SO HARD to work around that all

  3. To be honest, both. I don't despise being obese but it definitely makes life harder. In many ways. I wish obesity was not as prevalent due to health and I wish it was understood more.

    1. I agree, . Wise words. - Lori (Team Member)

  4. Sometimes I'm polite and sometimes I'm not lol. I have been obese since I was 4 years old. I'm 45 now. Being obese has taught me a lot. Good and bad. Especially not to judge people based on looks. Some will never learn that lesson. I used to think that was my problem. I now know it's their loss.

    1. Those are the best of strategies, especially the understanding that their issues with weight are not your problem. I love that perspective. I also love that your experience has led to empathy and compassion for others whose looks might set them apart. Thanks for being part of the conversation and the community! - Lori (Team Member)

    2. thank you so much for your kind words.

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