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Last Updated:
I have moderate to severe COPD and depression and have gained a lot of pounds from my depression medication. I am limited as to what i can do because of my breathing. I have never hsd a weight problem and don't know how to diet and can't afford to buy into all the diets and gummys etc.. any ideas or things that have worked for you? Thank you!
CommunityMemberd3d232 Member
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I also have copd and other stuff including depression I gained almost 70lb in last few years. I have found portion control and hard candy helps and even though I can't do a lot because of my breathing I've started moving more when I am sitting I walk round house when I go to bathroom and it has helped music and put the hands up and kick the feet helps in so many ways good luck
CommunityMemberd3d232 Member
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Lori.Foster Community Admin
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Iknitaround Member
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I hope you’re doing OK in your journey with extra weight, COPD and depression. I just saw this post & realize I’m half a year late, but jut wanted to say I’m in the same boat. I can’t afford the diet foods, gummies, special workout equipment etc. I try to eat Whole Foods. If the price of carrots & other fresh fruit/veg goes too high, I eat frozen. I try to walk for exercise or play outside with our puppy (now 9 months old, husky-shepherd mix). I have severe equilibrium issues so just walking around the house is an adventure. I also have fibromyalgia, diabetes type 2, CKD and am on several meds that cause weight gain. Ugh!! I try to do my best by preparing & eating food my husband buys at the grocery store—I make it there about once every month or two. I tell him what to buy. We have a good fresh fruit and vegetable store & deli very close by. The prices there are the best, even though they are expensive! (All food has become expensive, so their prices are actually really good.) Like jennieboonie246, I would much rather sit & knit/crochet, read, weave.
Iknitaround Member
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Lori.Foster Community Admin
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jennilboonie246 Member
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I took didn't have the foggiest idea how to lose weight. I had always been thin until I was put on a medication for my migraines, and I was a nurse!!
I researched & read, & read & researched and still don't have a good idea of how to lose weight. I'm trying to eat healthier, more fruits and veggies, less of the not good for you foods. I usually have one or two days a week that are my "eat whatever you want to" days. I also, inadvertently, am doing intermittent fasting. Mainly because I forget to eat breakfast until 10 or later. My biggest problem is moving. I can safely say that I would rather sit in a chair and read, crochet, quilt than get up to exercise.
Clair Gardiner Member
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Making changes one at a time and making them part of the way I do life has so far been the best way for me to move forward. That is how it feels now anyway.
Sometimes finding a way to work out that includes something you enjoy can be helpful then a person does not feel that it is such a chore. Going for a walk with a friend or loved on, or going swimming. Is there something like that , that you enjoy which you could maybe incorporate without it feeling too much for you.
Thank you for being part of our community.
Clair ( Team Member)
Kayleigh Hill Community Admin
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Unfortunately, we're not medical professionals and cannot give medical advice, but I can offer some general suggestions that will hopefully be helpful. I would first reach out to your doctor to share your concerns about the side effect of weight gain from your meds and if there is anything they can do there to help that.
In terms of nutrition, I would definitely speak to your doctor about making any changes. To get you started, we have a few articles that describe the basics of nutrition, kind of like a Nutrition 101.
This article talks about what a nutrient is, what a balanced diet should look like, among other things.
I like this article, How to Build Your Plate - , a lot because it's all about understanding the building blocks of food. I also like this because it gives you the info you need to work within your own budget to make a healthy plate.
I really hope this information helps and I'm really glad that you found us here. I'm looking forward to seeing you around in the community Rhea. 💙 Kayleigh, Team Member