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Your Body is a Temple

My body is a temple. Your body is a temple. Did you know that? Within each of us, we house something very special. What that is could be one of many things. For me? It’s the Holy Spirit. When I was born again as a Christian, the Holy Spirit began dwelling in me as according to 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 in the Christian Bible.

What does that mean, though? Our core selves, that “us” that we store at the very center of our being, whether you believe it’s the Holy Spirit (as I do), or some other idea of a soul, is very precious. It’s where our core values and beliefs come from. It helps us view the world. It’s a treasure within us all.

We want to treat our core, our very precious treasure, with respect and dignity, with love and care. In so doing we should look to our bodies as a temple - a structure built around something holy to keep it safe and cherished. We should honor ourselves and glorify the goodness of our beliefs through how we treat our bodies - our temples.

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How do we treat our bodies well?

There are many things that we can do for ourselves that will honor ourselves. Amid the current self-care culture, we can find all sorts of ways to take care of ourselves physically.

Being overweight or obese does not indicate that you are mistreating yourself. I want you to know that first and foremost. So don’t go and beat yourself up about it. You can be overweight or obese and still treat your body as a temple and glorify all the goodness within. Treating yourself right can go a long way though in starting to see positive changes in your body as well as your mental well-being. Here are some ideas of what you can do for yourself to honor yourself and show your temple some love.

Eat well

Give your body the proper fuel it needs so that your body will be able to do all the things we require of it. Grab those good-for-you, healthy choices. Make the conscious decision that you are worth it.


Now, I’m not suggesting that you start some arduous workout routine that you’ll stop when it gets too intense (been there and I’ve done that). Rather work small and build up to the bigger things. But move your body. Strengthen yourself so that you can do all the things that you want to do.


There are so many things that could go into this category that I can’t list them all, but I can certainly leave some suggestions. Give yourself an at home spa day and do your nails or use your expensive skin care. Grab a bath bomb and soak in the tub for a while. Rest your body and read a book. If it’s something that brings you a sense of comfort, then I say go for it. That could include eating a favorite treat, just make sure we’re doing so in moderation.

Give yourself grace

Give yourself time to adjust to any changes you make to your life. Remember that learning discipline takes time. So, show yourself grace and mercy. After all, that’s what I believe Christ does for me - loves me despite the slip-ups. Love yourself, pick yourself back up from your slump, and take those steps forward.

Honor yourself and your body

Whatever your beliefs, you are a wonderful creation. Own that. You are the only you out there. Treat yourself with the same love and respect you give so freely to others. You deserve it just as much if not more. Don’t sit and wallow while surrounded by the remnants of a box of ding dongs (I’ve been there), instead pull yourself up and dust yourself off. Tell yourself that you are WORTHY. Take care of yourself. Treat the temple that houses that very precious part of you with dignity, love, and respect. You deserve it.

This article represents the opinions, thoughts, and experiences of the author; none of this content has been paid for by any advertiser. The team does not recommend or endorse any products or treatments discussed herein. Learn more about how we maintain editorial integrity here.

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