Online Grocery Shopping: Access to Fresher and Cleaner Foods

I have always been a fan of fresh, clean food. I grew up in the 70s with a semi-hippie mom. She was a traditional housewife who needed to be thrifty with grocery money, so she cooked all of our meals.

For me there's something about the crunch of raw broccoli, the sweet burst of a juicy grape, or the earthy taste of mushrooms that gives me a kick. But as someone who is morbidly obese, dealing with grocery stores or supermarkets can be an obstacle or a simple irritation. That’s where online grocery ordering comes in.

Trying out online grocery shopping

I remember the first time I placed an online grocery order. I was skeptical. How could I trust someone else to pick out my produce? I might get the leftovers since it was not my choice. Would they know to pick the firm avocado that would ripen in a few days instead of the overripe one that would turn to mush before I could use it? I look at best buy and use by dates and take them seriously when I’m paying at a full price store!

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But with my first experiences, I was surprisingly pleased. The produce chosen was fresh, the fish did not smell fishy, and the dairy products were well within their expiration dates. No mold or funky smells. What I didn’t expect was how much I would enjoy the process.

Taking my time

Sitting on my smartphone app, I had the time to think about what I really wanted. I wasn’t rushed or distracted by the crowds. I could blow up photos. I could read labels, compare prices, and make thoughtful choices about what to put in my cart. I found myself feeling more confident in choosing fresh fruits and vegetables. I was happy with freshness and relied on fewer processed foods as a just-in-case. Overall, my body agreed with this approach.

Online shopping gives me more time than my body would allow in person. I am used to viewing shopping time as a form of physical activity. The time it takes to shop the way I want to, and not limited to a super small cart size of a scooter, means more time on my feet. It can also affect my knees, back, and soles of my feet.

Peaceful and practical

Avoiding the crowds was another unexpected benefit. As someone who is physically larger, navigating crowded aisles can be uncomfortable. People stare, make comments, or simply get in the way. Shopping from home eliminated all of that. I could take my time, fill my cart, and check out without ever feeling rushed or judged.

If you are a fat person who has ever had an open grocery cart, you may have had other shoppers knocking themselves out to see what you have. Heaven forbid you have anything they deem unsuitable.

But perhaps the most significant benefit of online grocery shopping is its practicality. There are days when my illnesses make it impossible for me to leave the house. On those days, online grocery shopping is a lifesaver. I can order what I need and have it delivered to my door. It also makes it easier to avoid food from outside my home, which often doesn’t agree with my body.

It has become a helpful tool for me

I recognize that I am privileged to be able to order groceries for pickup or delivery. Not everyone has this option. And yes, I do tip generously. Those who do the shopping and delivery work hard and deserve to be compensated for their efforts. For me and my lifestyle, the benefits of online grocery shopping far outweigh any other considerations.

Online grocery shopping has long been a game changer for me. It allows me to have access to fresher foods, which in turn helps me manage my health conditions and improve my quality of life. It’s more than just a convenience. It’s a tool that helps me eat better, feel better, and live better. And for that, I am grateful.

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