A confident woman is dancing in three different poses.

10 Ways to Dance Into Body Confidence

Growing up overweight meant that I was constantly hyperaware of my body. I wasn’t always judgmental of my body shape or size. That came with age. Because the longer I lived in my fat body, the more comments I got about my size. And the more insecure I became.

Before this happened, though, I was a dancer. Not trained, no. Not by any means! Just a dancer at heart. When I was a child, I danced because I loved the way music flowed through my body. I loved the freedom. I loved how I could express myself artistically without saying a word.

I became preoccupied with my body

However, as I grew older I realized that most people were hyperaware of my body. They made comments on what it looked like and what it was doing. They made suggestions on what I could do to become smaller. So I became preoccupied with my body, too. In an unhealthy way.

I was hyperaware of the way I moved. I held myself in ways that I thought made me look smaller. And I stopped dancing!

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The benefits of dance

But I’ve come back to dancing as an adult. I started taking a variety of classes - from belly dancing, to salsa, to burlesque. Dancing away my insecurities has been empowering. It has been especially helpful to focus on dance methods that encourage confidence and presentation - such as burlesque!

Dancing while embracing a body positive mindset has many benefits. I have found that these benefits are not just physical - they are also mental. Here are some of these key advantages I've discovered.

1. Physical fitness

Dancing is a fun way for me to engage in physical activity. Dancing helps improve cardiovascular health, strength, flexibility, and physical coordination.

2. Self-expression

Dancing allows me to express my emotions and creativity. This fosters a sense of freedom and joy!

3. Body positivity

Embracing dance promotes acceptance of one’s body. Since starting to dance again, I’ve been able to appreciate my unique shape and size. This appreciation helps to challenge societal norms around beauty and fitness.

4. Confidence boost

Regular dancing has enhanced my self-esteem and confidence. As we become more comfortable with our bodies through movement, we often feel more empowered!

5. Social connection

Dancing can be a community activity, too! Partner or group dancing creates connections with others who share similar interests. This can reduce feelings of isolation.

6. Stress relief

Engaging in dance has been a great way to relieve stress and improve my mental health. The endorphins released during physical activity can heighten mood and reduce anxiety. Music also plays a role in this for me!

7. Body awareness

Dancing helps me become more in tune with my body. This promotes mindfulness and a better understanding of my physical capabilities.

8. Creativity and fun

Dancing is a joyful activity that allows for creativity. This makes the exercise feel less like a chore and more like an enjoyable hobby.

9. Inclusivity

Dance styles and classes are increasingly becoming more inclusive. This allows individuals of all body types to participate and enjoy the experience of dancing!

10. Empowerment

Dancing can serve as a powerful statement of autonomy and self-acceptance. These traits encourage me to take pride in my body as I move freely.

Dance can be liberating

Overall, dancing can be a liberating and joyful practice that nurtures both physical health and mental well-being, especially within a body-positive framework.

So, what about you? Are you ready to dance into body confidence and acceptance?

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