Can Glucose Monitoring Help With Weight Loss?
Glucose is a form of sugar found in your blood that supplies energy to the cells in your body. It is your main source of energy and comes from the food you eat. Why is this important?1-3
Keeping track of your glucose levels is especially important for people with high blood glucose (type 2 diabetes). They can use glucose monitoring as a tracking tool. This monitoring helps keep track of spikes in blood glucose spikes and lets the person know whether drugs may be needed.1-3
While it is mainly used by people with diabetes, glucose monitoring can also be useful for those who do not have diabetes. For people without diabetes, glucose monitoring can be used to track the body’s blood glucose response to specific foods. This can be helpful in identifying which foods to reduce or eliminate, depending on your goals.1-3
Why does high blood glucose matter?
Blood glucose levels rise after you eat a meal. Your body responds by releasing insulin into your blood to lower it to a normal level. Insulin helps the glucose in your blood enter the cells in your body.1,2
If your body does not make enough insulin or doesn’t use insulin well, you can develop type 2 diabetes. If not well-controlled, diabetes can lead to other health problems such as:1,2
- Heart disease and stroke
- Nerve damage
- Kidney problems
- Eye disease
- Gum disease
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Have you ever heard of glucose monitoring?
How does glucose impact my weight?
Think about how many high-sugar or high-carbohydrate meals you consume daily. Over time, this can harm your health.1,2
High blood glucose levels in your blood can send signals to your body to store the extra sugar. The extra sugar can cause a blood sugar crash and make you feel tired and sluggish. The extra storage of sugar then leads to weight gain and can lead to obesity. People who are overweight or obese are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes.1,2
Research has shown you may be able to delay or prevent diabetes by losing weight. A 2019 study found a strong link between glucose monitoring and changes in body weight. Those who frequently monitored their blood glucose lost more weight and had better blood sugar control than those who did not.4
How can knowing my glucose levels help?
While more research is still needed, studies suggest that knowing your blood glucose levels might lead to changes in your behavior. Frequent blood glucose monitoring allows for feedback from your body in real time. “Frequent” in this case means 6 to 8 times per day.4,5
With frequent monitoring, you can see how exercise, stress, and the foods you eat impact your blood glucose. Knowing these levels can help you make changes in your daily habits, such as cutting back on certain foods or exercising more frequently or at different times of the day.4,5
A 2020 study found that 90 percent of people who use continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) felt that CGM plays a role in a healthier lifestyle. CGM users were more likely to go for a walk or participate in a physical activity if they saw their blood glucose level go up. Users also felt that they made changes in their food choices based on CGM.5
Better glucose control may improve outcomes for people with or without diabetes. Frequent glucose monitoring is key in the treatment of diabetes. But it is also becoming a powerful tool that everyone can use to take an active part in improving their health.4,5
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