Do You Know About the Different Types of Obesities?

A runny nose, at first glance, looks pretty much the same for everyone. But if you look closer, there are different types of runny noses, caused by different things. Allergies, viruses, infections, nasal polyps, and hormonal changes can all cause different types of runny noses.

This matters, because knowing the cause of the runny nose helps us know the treatment to get rid of it. Obesity, like a runny nose, also looks about the same on everyone. But is all obesity really the same? Or are there different types of obesity – "obesities" that should be prevented and treated differently?

Forms of obesity

Some newer scientific and clinical insights about obesity tell us there are several forms of obesity. Understanding what type of obesity you have may help you to manage it more effectively. Sometimes, exposure to what is causing your weight gain can be managed. And some types of obesity may be more treatable than you realize!1

Genetic causes

For example, research shows there are forms of obesity that have a strong genetic component. Sometimes the genes that are involved are complex, and it’s many genes working together to make someone prone to weight gain. But sometimes, the genetic cause is only related to one single gene. Simpler, single-gene mutations are easier to diagnose and to target with medications.2

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Some more simple and clearly defined types of genetic obesity, such as Bardet-Biedl syndrome and Alstrom syndrome, have clear symptoms that can help with diagnosis and management. And other genetically simple causes of obesity can also be helpful to rule out. New medications are being developed to help treat specific genetic causes of obesity. Most genetic causes of obesity begin in early childhood, so if you have always struggled with your weight since you were very young, it is worth checking with your doctor about possible genetic causes.3

Environmental factors

Other forms of obesity may be linked to things in your environment. In that case, changing your environment may help prevent or reduce your obesity. One example of this could be specific chemicals, called endocrine disrupters, that have been linked to weight gain. If this link can become more clearly established through research, there could be reason to reduce human exposure to those chemicals in the environment through individual awareness and policies.4

Your food environment may be another example. Your food environment determines the foods you have available to choose from. This may depend on your socioeconomic status, your cultural values and norms, your unique preferences and physiology, and your knowledge and skills around food purchasing and preparation. Sometimes your environment can expose you to very high-calorie, tasty foods that make it easier to gain weight. Some things in your food environment may be out of your control. But opting for healthier options when and where you can, such as swapping out sugary drinks for water, can help you better manage your weight.5

Certain infections are yet another example of an environmental factor that may contribute to obesity. I have studied a virus called adenovirus 36 (Ad-36) that causes obesity in animal models, and it is consistently associated with obesity in humans. If this link were more well established, it could justify the development of a vaccine in the future. In fact, a study in mice demonstrated that vaccinating mice against Ad-36 does reduce their weight gain and obesity compared to an unvaccinated, infected group. There is no vaccine for Ad-36 today, but there may be in the future.6,7

Medical causes

There are also medical causes of obesity. Many medications cause weight gain, such as:

  • Blood pressure medications
  • Anti-psychotics
  • Insulin
  • Diabetes medications
  • Anti-depressants
  • Mood stabilizers
  • Corticosteroids
  • HIV medications cause weight gain

It is not usually advisable to stop taking a medication just because it causes weight gain, but sometimes there are alternative doses or alternative medications that cause less weight gain. Or, if you know you are on a medication that is likely to cause weight gain, you can take steps to help manage that, such as exercising and better nutrition.8

Understanding the source matters

These are only a few examples of different types of obesity. But they highlight how helpful it can be to understand where your obesity is coming from. Most likely, different factors work together to cause obesity. But if the source of obesity is understood, it may change the way you can address it.

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